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We realize you can go almost anywhere and get a loan these days. The crucial thing is what that loan costs - and that's where we come in!

In most cases, Heritage South Community Credit Union can save you money because the interest due on the unpaid balance of your loan is accrued on a daily basis, not added to the starting amount of your loan. Furthermore, our friendly loan staff is willing to go the extra mile to accommodate your needs and make sure your loan process runs smoothly from start to finish.

About Our Loans


Heritage South Community Credit Union has several methods available to make it easier for you to make your loan payment. These payment options include transactions at any of our offices, through the mail, online, or by having the payment transferred directly from your share or share draft account. Another option - perhaps the easiest - is payroll deduction, where your payment is taken directly from your payroll check.


You can apply for a loan online, at any of our offices, over the telephone, or through the mail. Loan applications can normally be approved by one of our loan officers and disbursement made the same day. Heritage South Community Credit Union retains the right to refuse a loan at any time, depending on extenuating circumstances.


Our rates are based upon loan-to-value ratio and credit score. Other variables concerning each individual type of loan may also factor into our rates.


Heritage South Community Credit Union offers optional member pay insurance at group rates to protect you and your family in the event of death or disability. The premiums on this insurance are affordable and are calculated on your unpaid loan balance at the end of each month.

Heritage South Community Credit Union may be able to refinance your current loan with another financial institution for a lower rate or more convenient terms. Contact one of our loan officers for details.